How to Pronounce "Book" in English

How to Pronounce "Book" in English

In English, the word "book" is pronounced as /bʊk/. Here's a breakdown of the pronunciation:

  • /b/: This is a voiced bilabial plosive sound. To pronounce it, bring your two lips together and release a burst of air.
  • /ʊ/: This is a close back rounded vowel sound. To pronounce it, round your lips and make a short, relaxed sound.
  • /k/: This is a voiceless velar plosive sound. To pronounce it, raise the back of your tongue to the soft part of your palate and release a burst of air.

When saying "book," make sure to emphasize the /b/ sound at the beginning and the /k/ sound at the end. The vowel sound in the middle is short and quick.

Here's an example sentence using the word "book":

"I love to read a good book in the evening."

Practice saying the word "book" out loud, focusing on the correct pronunciation of each sound. With practice, you'll be able to say it fluently and naturally.






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